Published: 18. March, 2024
More than 20 million children annually, alone in Europe, are subject to acute pain…
More than 20 million children annually, alone in Europe, are subject to acute pain at hospitals or ambulances from accidents, incidents or from medical procedures which require some form of pain management. Today, there is a lack of options for children which result in very low treatment rates, and treatment rates are much lower for children compared to adults – several studies have found that treatment rates are low, as low as 30-40%…..
Research indicates a consistent underuse of analgesics in children, with doctors showing reluctance towards strong strong analgesics.
Up to 79% of Scandinavian emergency departments use physical restraint during painful procedures, pointing to a lack of appropriate pain management guidelines.
Intranasal administration has emerged as a promising solution, significantly increasing the likelihood of effective pain reduction in children.
Read the link for a short update and reminder for why Cessatech will make a significant impact… [link]